145 Street, Toul Tumpong, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Mon - Fri : 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM
+855 (0) 11 798 078​

Happy 112th International Women's Day!!!!!

Today, "Amplify Women Leader’s Voice for Gender Justice" forum was held to celebrate the 112nd International Women's Day 2023 to provide opportunities for women leaders from diverse sectors to share experiences on challenges, solutions and needs to address their issues, as well as opportunities to celebrate the success of women leaders from the community, small-scale business owners, artists, and dialogues on key recommendations for addressing women's challenges by representatives from diverse institutions.

As the result of the discussion among the panellists from diverse sectors and gender, challenges such as social norms and lack of a supportive system are continuously the obstacles that limit women from leadership positions. Therefore, supportive systems such as family support, effective implementation of laws and policies from all actors that can support women in leadership effectively, without discrimination and harassment.

This forum is co-organized by and Love is Diversity, Gender and Development for Cambodia, Association of Cambodian Farmer Communities, SILAKA and Banteay Srei.

We would like to thank the distinguished speakers from the representatives of ministries, government agencies, civil society organizations, and the youth, local community for participating in the discussion.

Thanks to KESORR for being a part of this forum.

Thanks to USAID, FHI360, OXFAM, Diakonia, DP for the funding support to make this program possible.

Join together to amplifying the voice of women leaders toward gender equality and gender justice.

Celebrating Women’s History Month!!!!!

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Executive Director | April 21, 2023

The Executive Director

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Happy Khmer New Year

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BanteaySrei | March 24, 2023


Last March 14, 2023, #BanteaySrei, in collaboration with the Puok District Administration, organized a Multi-Sectoral Response Working Group Meeting on Gender-Based Violence which held at Puok District Hall with participants from local authorities (village, commune, police, commune, district) and partner organizations, a total of 53 people/34 women from 14 communes in Puok district. The purpose of this meeting is to: 1. Strengthen the provision of multi-sectoral services in response to violence against women and girls with quality, efficiency and inclusive through cooperations between service providers and stakeholders. 2-Providing the opportunity to gender peace network (GPN) of Banteay Srei to all the chronic cases that are thought to be unresolved at the grassroots level are discussed to find a joint solution. #WomenEmpowerToEndGenderBasedViolence #EndingViolenceAgainstWomenAndGirls

Banteaysrei | March 22, 2023


#BanteaySrei in Siem Reap province organized one-day training on Positive Masculinity, Gender and Feminism to male local authorities, commune councilors, and village leaders from the 04 target districts (Angkor Chum, Angkor Thom, Brasat Bakong and Puok. #PositiveMasculinity

Banteaysrei | March 21, 2023


#BanteaySrei conducted awareness raising to high school students and training to village health support group (VHSG) on social protection schemes in target districts, Siem Reap and Battambang province. #socialprotection

Executive Director | February 12, 2023

Executive Director

The Executive Director, Ms.Sdeung Phearong had an honor to participate in a discussion on “Women Leadership in Covid-19 Response” at the Regional Dialogue on Building Forward Better with Women’s Leadership and Participation on 15-16 in Bangkok organized by UN Women. “The Covid-19 pandemic had caused the increasing of number of poverty and women were more likely to face greater challenges on mental health and livelihood threat. Despite, the heavy impact on women, but we also see women lead effectively in response to Covid-19 pandemic both technical and leadership globally. As a civil society organization, Banteay Srei also faced significant challenges regarding to the lack of funding, and program delivery, but we also see the opportunities of where collective collaboration among Government, CSOs, and communities people worked together to effectively response to the COVID-19 ”. Phearong said.

BanteaySrei organized two community meetings | February 02


Organized Two Community Meetings

#BanteaySrei organized two community meetings (on 20 January 2023 in Samrong village, Snoeng commune, Banan district, Battambang province and 23 January 2023 in Kampong Seyma village, Sangkat Wat Kor, Krong Battambang) amongst community facilitators (CF), community networks, CCWCs, health center chiefs, village authority and BS’s staff with totally 33/28females ( include 02 female with disabilities). The meeting aimed to promote understanding on social protection system and support local authority to identify people with disabilities, and vulnerable women, and encourage them to register and access to the social protection services for the people with disabilities. This is one of the activities under project name “Community Empowerment for Increasing Social Protection Awareness to Vulnerable People, including Women and People with Disabilities” funded by #GIZcambodia. #CommunityEmpowermentOnSocialProtection

Banteaysrei | January 19, 2023


From January 4 to 12, 2023, the program staff of Banteay Srei in both target provinces; Siem Reap and Battambang - received training on Mental Health, Community Resource Mobilization, Trust Building, Conflict Resolution (Family Mediation Techniques), Stress Management, Anger Management and Counseling Skills facilitated by the Consultant from Culture 4 Change (#C4C)

Our Donors

We highly value our partnerships with the following donors, who not only share our vision and provide us with financial assistance but also motivate and inspire us to achieve our objectives. We are deeply grateful for their ongoing support