145 Street, Toul Tumpong, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Mon - Fri : 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM
+855 (0) 11 798 078​

Banteay Srei’s Board is made up of four voluntary members.
The Board delegates management of the organization to the Director, but the Board Members remain responsible for the affairs of the charity,
ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivers appropriate outcomes for the public’s benefit.

Staff Member 1

Tous Sophorn


Staff Member 1

Mao Ye


Staff Member 1

Hok Sypha


Staff Member 1

Keo Sovannary


Staff Member 1

At Sotheavy


Our Donors

We highly value our partnerships with the following donors, who not only share our vision and provide us with financial assistance but also motivate and inspire us to achieve our objectives. We are deeply grateful for their ongoing support